Yong-Xiang Shi

Phone number: 0531-88364889

Fax number:

E-mail: shiyx@sdu.edu.cn

Title: Associate Professor


Ph.D in Developmental Biology, 2004, Shandong University, P. R. China

Master in Developmental Biology in 1992, Shandong University, P. R. China

Bachelor in Zoology in 1989, Shandong University, P. R. China


2000.09-Present Associate Professor, Life Science School, Shandong University, P. R. China

2011.08-2012.08 Visiting Scholar, School of Medicine, New York University, New York

2009.06-2009.12 Visiting Scholar, Department of Bioinformatics and Biostatistics, College of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, P. R. China

2005.03-2007.12 Postdoctoral Researcher, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering School, Shandong University, P. R. China.

1994.09-2000.09 Lecturer, Life Science School, Shandong University, P. R. China.

1992.07-1994.09 Teaching Assistant, Life Science School, Shandong University, P. R. China.


1. Reproductive developmental biology

2. Tumor immunology

3. Cognitive neural immune cell biology


1. Establishment of mouse PCOS model to study the pathogenesis of follicular development disorder,Open subject from Key Laboratory of state assisted reproduction and reproductive technology, 2014.06-2016.12

2. The role of P204 in anti-tumor immunity,2013.01-2014.12,Science and technology development plan of Shandong provincial science and Technology Department

3. Molecular mechanism of P204 in the regulation of skeletal development cooperate with Cbfa1,Science and innovation fund of Shandong University,20010.06-2012.12


1. Zhen Yang, Hong-Mao Liu, Yun-Long Xu, Wei Wei, Ping-Ping Cao,Yong-Xiang Shi *. Effects of Exogenous p204 on Zebrafish’s Innate Immunity. BEAB, 2014

2.Wen-Wen Wang, Hongmao Liu, Hai-Bin Zhao, Zai-Li Luo and Yong-Xiang Shi*, Design,Construction,and Analysis of Specific Zinc Finger Nucleases for microphalmia-associate transcription factor, Braz. Arch. Bio. Technol. 2012, 55(4):559-568(SCI)

3. Hai-Bin Zhao, Wen-Wen Wang, Zai-Li Luo, Hui-Ren Cao and Yong-Xiang Shi*, Overexpression of p204 leads to abnormal embryos and osteogenesis in zebrafish,Front. Biosci. 2011,E3, 115-124

4. Zaili Luo, Jing Lin, Haibin Zhao, Wenwen Wang, Huiren Cao,Yongxiang Shi*, Repair Effects of Grape Seed Proanthocyanidin on Damage in Zebrafish Embryos from UVB Irradiation. EPPH, 2011(ISTP)

5. Zai-Li Luo, Hong-Mao Liu, Hai-Bin Zhao, Wen-Wen Wang and Yong-Xiang Shi*, The role of exogenous p204 cooporated with cbfa1 on osteogenesis and embryogenesis in zebrafish. ITME, 2011(ISTP)

6. Peng Lian, Limin Angela Liu,Yongxiang Shi*, Yuxiang Bu*, Dongqing Wei*,Tethered-Hopping Model for Protein-DNA Binding and Unbinding Based on Sox2-Oct1-Hoxb1 Ternary Complex Simulations, Biophys. J . 2010,98(7):1285-1293,SCI(SCI)

7. Zaili LUO, Wenwen WANG, Haibin ZHAO, Yongxiang SHI *, Grape seed proanthocyanidin protects zebrafish’early stage embryos from the damage of UVB irradiation. CEPPH, p154-158, Scientific Research Publishing 2010, USA(EI)

8. Wenwen WANG †, Jie LIU †, Haibin ZHAO, Zaili LUO, Yongxiang SHI*, UVB Leads to Abnormal Embryos and Protein Expression in Bufo bufo gargarizans. CEPPH, p131-136, Scientific Research Publishing 2010, USA(ISTP)


1. Method for detecting DNA damage caused by laser,ZL2007100132195,2010

2. Method for simulating protein interaction by computer,ZL200710015493.6,2009

3. Method for calculating the force between protein and DNA by computer simulation,ZL200710112834.1,2009

4. Method for nuclear transfer, ZL200610042183.94,2008

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